Take Part Framework 2011
This updated version of the Take Part Learning Framework is intended to reflect the broader scope of the Take Part approach, with more recent examples having been developed through the Take Part Pathfinder programme (2008- 2011). It is also a response to feedback from practitioners who preferred a shortened, more practical version for easier implementation in their community learning contexts.
Take Part Final Report 2011
This report presents the final findings from the evaluation by the Community Development Foundation (CDF) of Take Part, a three-year programme of support for active citizenship and learning funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and managed by CDF.
Train the Take Part Trainers Project
The project represents one strand of the Take Part National Support Programme which was funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and managed by the Community Development Foundation (CDF) and the WEA acknowledges the support and contributions made by colleagues at CDF and DCLG to the Train the Take Part Trainers project.
OR InsightSpecial Issue about TAKE PART Programme
This special edition of the OR Insight offers a conceptual discussion of activecitizenship as well as implementation case studies about informal adult active learning in communities ALAC PROGRAMME ( 2003-2006)
Take Part National framework for Ative Learning for Active Citizenship
This framework has been put together as a collaborative process, with members of the Take Part hubs (formerly Active Learning for Active Citizenship hubs) working together to explore the themes of active learning and active citizenship, write the case studies and synthesise their experiences. The hubs have formed a network to carry forward the lessons of Take Part and promote it and this framework provides their contact details for support in their regions
Active Learning for Active Citizenship
A report on the evaluation of Active Learning for Active Citizenship, a programme funded by the Civil Renewal Unit as part of the Together We Can action plan.
Take Part Evaluation Summary 2006
Active Learning for Active Citizenship Summary
A report that summarizes the evaluation of Active Learning for Active Citizenship, a programme funded by the Civil Renewal Unit as part of the Together We Can action plan.
Active Learning Active Citizenship
Active Learning Active Citizenship
This report draws on the diverse experience of education for active citizenship within the voluntary and community sector. It shows how we can build on what is already happening and how with government support these initiatives can emerge from the, often hidden, places where they have begun into a national network helping to equip our citizens to build a better society.