Research Programmes

The Research Programmes

PhD CASE Studentships

CASE studentships are prestigious awards funding high calibre graduates to undertake a 3 year research programme leading to a PhD. CASE students are sponsored by an organisational sponsor and by the research council (ESRC) and receive academic fees for 3 years and a bursary to support them during their studies. Each CASE student is appointed by the individual universities to address research questions related to Community Empowerment and Active Citizenship and will network across the cluster and will benefit from a range of support provided by the clusters’ relationship with the Third Sector.

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs)

These are work-based partnerships between Third Sector Organisations / University Institutions which attract governmental funding for a 2 year post within the Third Sector Organisation. KTP Associates are selected on the basis of a combination of high quality academic achievement and Third Sector experience (i.e. good quality graduates with relevant organisational experience). KTP Associates work within an organisation bringing knowledge to bear in practice and feeding experience back into research. They are supervised by the sponsoring organisation and the host University, who in combination will network their findings across the Taking Part? cluster and the Centre for Third Sector Research.


The Taking Part? cluster will also develop a range of smaller scale research activities and placements between Third Sector, Public Sector and Higher Education. Such activities will be identified by each University in the cluster to reinforce the findings and activities of the cluster. Such activities will also reinforce an extensive programme of research dissemination planned by the Taking Part? Cluster and the Centre for Third Sector Research.

Each activity in the cluster will be independently managed by one of the 3 partner institutions (Lincoln, Goldsmiths and Manchester Metropolitan) while being part of the wider research network within the cluster. As such, each activity will be supported by, and will feed into, the other activities in the cluster to build a substantial body of knowledge supporting Third Sector Research.