CASE Studentships

CASE studentships are prestigious awards funding high calibre graduates to undertake a 3 year research programme leading to a PhD. CASE students are sponsored by an organisational sponsor and by the research council (ESRC) and receive academic fees for 3 years and a bursary to support them during their studies. Each CASE student is appointed by the individual universities to address research questions related to Community Empowerment and Active Citizenship and will network across the cluster and will benefit from a range of support provided by the clusters’ relationship with the Third Sector.

CASE PhD Studentships

University  Organisation  Title Name of student
Goldsmiths University London  Exeter CVS –Part of Take Part  Citizen empowerment through active citizenship learning programmes Gabi Rechnagel
Goldsmiths University London Somali Youth Organisation  Young Somali people’s  self-organisation, addressing issues of  community cohesion and empowerment  Mohamed Aden
Goldsmiths University London  South Wales WEA  The role of Third Sector organisations, promoting citizenship education for empowerment in the context of devolution  Daniella Holland
MMU Gender and Participation Unit Empowerment in practice?Work with women’s refugee and asylum group. Hannah Berry
MMU Manchester Refugee Support Network Effective and representative Networking Green Nyoni